And--We're Off!

The new book is started, the subplots are coming together, the suspense is building . . . and then there's all this detailed horse stuff I need to write in that I don't know a thing about. What's a girl to do? Road Trip--to the horse capital of the nation--Lexington, Kentucky!

Oh-my-gosh! Can I just say that I love my job? This past weekend I drove down to the Rolex 3-Day Event at the Kentucky Horse Park, and stepped into a world I've never seen. I'm not talking horse racing--I'm talking competition riding where the horses sport braided manes and tails, and the international riders wear their whitest breeches, stately jackets and top hats. Dressage is the word of the day, working the horses through their steps and turns without so much as a clue that the riders are doing anything to command them. And how lucky could I be to sit next to a lady that trains riders and horses? You can bet I was writing down every comment she made.

Later in the day, I walked out to the cross-country track, where riders would race the next day through a course of obstacles, up to 22 mph over 6200 meters to beat the 11-minute optimum time. Again, luck was with me as I was invited to join a small group of women from North Carolina, two of which were to judge the next day's competition. When they learned I was writing a book, they told me every story they had from their years of judging the race, and answered every question I could think to ask. Thanks Barbie and Laura!

By the time the Cross-Country competition started, everyone and their dog was at the Horse Park. I'm not kidding. The Humane Society was sponsoring a Doggie Daycare on-site. I've never seen so many dogs at a public event--or horses. The riders were on horses, the police were on horses, elegant stewards were on horses, answering questions and whistling warnings before the racers galloped through. What a wonderful sight to see such magnificent animals in their prime, muscling through jumps with leaps and bounds I wouldn't think possible. Stunning. I can't believe I was there to see it.

Those two beautiful days in Lexington were spot on perfect for the research I needed and will fit seamlessly in my novel, right where I need them to.

And with luck ever with me, I found the perfect prototype for my hero in this handsome Argentine rider. Not that I was looking for a dark, handsome stranger in the crowd--he just appeared out of nowhere trying graciously to escape the crowd of teenage girls begging for autographs.
Am I just too lucky, or what?

I Love My Job!


Annissa said…
Wow, it sounds like a really fun trip! Can't wait to read about it in your book!
Jackee said…
What fun "research"! Sounds like it was great. And that last picture... I hope you went up and gave that guy a friendly kiss on the cheek--because he looks just like I picture Mr. Darcy!